How I work

Knowledge and experience

I have a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in understanding physical, mental and sexual health and use this when working psychologically.


​I work in a safe, quiet and confidential space to talk and for you to be heard.

I offer therapy by either phone, video calling e.g. Zoom or in-person.

I only work with people who are resident in the U.K.

Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy

As a qualified, registered Psychodynamic Psychotherapist, I offer weekly short term (12 sessions) and long term (open ended) individual psychodynamic counselling and psychotherapy. 

Talking with me about your present and past, including exploring your thoughts, feelings and behaviour, can help you understand yourself more fully and increase your awareness of the choices you have in making changes. For more information click on the following link:- Psychodynamic Psychotherapy & Counselling.

Psychosexual and Relationship Therapy

If you are experiencing psychosexual and/or relationship difficulties then talking about these with me may improve your sexual satisfaction and the quality of your relationships. 

As a qualified, registered Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist, I use an Integrative model (incorporating different ways of working) for people experiencing sexual and/or relationship difficulties. I offer both weekly psychosexual and relationship therapy to individuals or couples (couples therapy), either short term (12 sessions) or long term (open ended). For more information click on the following link:- Psychosexual & Relationship Therapy.

Initial 1-2 sessions

The first one or two sessions, are to see if we can work together and whether the therapy I offer is right for you.

​Initial sessions are payable at the end of the session either by payment link, BACS transfer or cash or debit/credit card if in-person.

Continuing with therapy

If the therapy is right for you and we decide to continue working together, at the next session, we will negotiate a working agreement. After agreeing this, I will email you a signed copy for you to sign and email me, keeping a copy for yourself.

Picture of my consulting room.
Picture of therapy room set-up for individual work.
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